Nei Monggol

  • 网络内蒙古
Nei MonggolNei Monggol
  1. The Spectral Reflectance Model for Estimation of Green Biomass of the Typical Grassland Zone in Nei Monggol


  2. In this paper , it is indicated that Nei Monggol area is the distributional center of the genus Pulsatilla in China .


  3. Zhao , 2 new recorded species in Nei Monggol area & P.


  4. The Research on the Present Condition of the Nei Monggol Autonomous Region Minority Nationality Cadre Team


  5. Characteristics of the vegetational zones in the Nei Monggol Autonomous Region


  6. Identification of ore property and technological minerals of Nei Monggol Jintao Company were conducted .


  7. REE contents in leaching from samples of basement rocks in Nei monggol earth 's axis


  8. The Germplasm Characteristics of Nei Monggol Black Swine


  9. Instrumental neutron activation analysis of leached samples of old basement rocks from the Nei Monggol earth 's axis


  10. Methodological studies on chemical analysis of existing states of rare earths in ree-nb-fe-deposits , Nei monggol , China


  11. The quantity and intensity of regional aeolian sand erosion and deposition : the case of Shanxi Shaanxi Nei Monggol region


  12. The four provinces of Heilongjiang , Jilin , Liaoning , and Nei Monggol have formed a port groups .


  13. The concentration of niobium minerals in a REE-Nb-Fe deposit in Nei Monggol by means of chemical approach


  14. The plate convergent belt and its minerogenetic series of Early Palaeozoic in Nei monggol & eastern Jilin


  15. A study of color-causing mechanism of fluorite from Bayan Obo Nei Monggol


  16. Though the popular Nei Monggol song-and-dance duet has only one hundred years history , it 's status is important in local people 's culture life .


  17. The new taxa of Leguminosae from Nei Monggol


  18. A Survey of the Leeches in the Southern Regions of the Ying-mountains of Nei Monggol


  19. The Daqingshan Mountains and its adjacent Huhehot fault basin , Nei Monggol , are the ideal area to study denudation and uplift .


  20. Static chamber-gas chromatographic techniques are used for studying the emission of greenhouse gases CO 2 , CH 4 and N 2O from a typical Nei Monggol semi-arid grassland .


  21. The northern region of China , such as Nei Monggol and Shanxi , where is rich in coal resources , can provide sufficient fuel for large Heat-engine Plants , while is the areas of lacking water resource .


  22. Research on Ice-flood Control and Flood Control Demand in Inner-Mongolia Reach of the Yellow River EARLY ORDOVICIAN NAUTILOIDS FROM QINGSHUIHE , NEI MONGGOL ( INNER MONGOLIA ) AND PIANGUAN , SHANXI PROVINCE


  23. The Middle Jurassic palynomorphs from the Yan'an Formation in Dongsheng region of Nei Monggol , consist of 63 species of fossil spores and pollen grains belonging to 34 genera , of which two species were described as new .


  24. Based on the investigation of extraordinarily serious sand storm ( ESSS ) occurred on May 5th , 1993 in Ningxia Hui Nationality and Nei Monggol Autonomous Regions , the formation cause of this ESSS , its disastrous harms and moving patterns are analyzed .
